User Experience Measurement in Virtual Smart Spaces
Combining an immersive (VR) context with a highly controllable and trackable lab context to map the user experience.
The ExperienceDNA project seeks to create a framework that allows researchers and organisations to:
create immersive experiences for product testing
control the interactions between users and their surroundings
collect a wide range of fine-grained sensor data
All of which, results in a user experience that can be mapped in detail. Developed in Unity, the framework caters to researchers and product designers who want to fully customize the visual aspect of their test set-up (e.g., room layout, objects in the room, lighting, etc.).
What is more, the multi-functional Wizard-of-Oz dashboard allows the researcher to manipulate the flow of the experience by cueing the users to interact with the environment in real time.
Most notably, the ExperienceDNA framework facilitates both qualitative and quantitative data logging. This means that the user experience can be fully mapped via capturing eye gaze data, pupil dilation data, blink rate data, object interaction data, reaction times, accuracy and heart rate monitoring.
Joundi, J., Bombeke, K., Saldien, J., Durnez, W., De Bruyne, J., Vanroelen, C., & Zheleva, A. (2022). ExperienceDNA : a framework to conduct and analyse user tests in VR. Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Research Symposium 2022 (FEARS 2022), Abstracts. Presented at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Research Symposium 2022 (FEARS 2022), Ghent, Belgium. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7401062