The ExpertGaze Tetra project
In the Tetra project ExpertGaze we investigate how new measurement technologies, whether or not in combination with immersive forms of digital interfaces, can offer added value in building competences and supporting people during the performance of their job. How can we use these technologies to capture and understand the expertise of experts and how can these insights contribute to the training, coaching and/or accreditation of non-experts?
With ExpertGaze, we translate already accumulated and available knowledge around measurement technologies and immersive interfaces such as VR/AR into concrete challenges of Flemish companies. At imec-mict-UGent we provide expertise & support for physiological measures and their interpretation. Due to a momentum in the evolution and the recent accessibility of these technologies, we are convinced of the potential to contribute to some key challenges in terms of training and supporting employees.
Who participates?
HitLab - Howest
Want to know more?
Address your email to Klaas Bombeke via our contact page.