ExperienceTwin at ITF World: Investigating Cognitive and Physical Ergonomics
May 24th, 2023
On May 16th and 17th, the ExperienceDNA framework was presented at ITF World 2023.
ITF World 2023 welcomed more than 2000 attendees from around the globe to discuss the newest state-of-the-art technologies and innovative solutions in a wide array of application fields. The conference was visited by industry and business leaders, policymakers, futurists, technology gurus, entrepreneurs from start-ups to scale-ups, analysts and investors.
The ExperienceTwin project was presented on this world stage via one of our projects – Operator Support in Industry 5.0. The project focuses on the use of the ExperienceDNA framework to determine the user’s cognitive/psychological markers (i.e., exploring eye tracking, hand tracking & object interactions to measure hesitation, doubt, cognitive load, fatigue & risk behaviour). This project illustrated the successful collaboration between our team and IDLab (UGent-UAntwerpen-imec) who investigated the user’s position metrics (i.e., REBA score) with the intention of improving their ergonomic posture.
During the VR experience, our guests were immersed in a scenario in which they were a plumber who had to fix a water pump system in a house. The water pump system, as seen below represented a puzzle. The puzzle had both an easy version (parts were numbered and had to be matched to their numbered plate on the wall ) and a hard version (parts were not numbered and the visitor had to figure out their correct placement in the installation).
A short video of the easy version of the puzzle.
This experience was developed with the ExperienceDNA framework which allowed us to gather important behavioral metrics such as eye gaze and positional data. Then, through the functionality of the framework, the data was analysed and presented to our visitors on an interactive dashboard.
Curious to know more? Read our scientific article published in collaboration with BruBotics VUB in the Applied Sciences Journal!